Armenians Give Mixed Ratings to Pashinyan’s Leadership and Authorities

| Nachricht, Gesellschaft, Armenien

Sociologist Aram Navasardyan recently revealed that only 9% of respondents evaluated the performance of Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan as completely positive.

Speaking at a press conference, Navasardyan explained that 15.5% of respondents rated Pashinyan’s performance as rather positive, while 19.1% assessed it as rather negative, and 46.5% gave a completely negative evaluation.

Regarding the preparedness of Armenian authorities for heavy snowfall, 17.1% of respondents believed they were fully prepared, 21.7% considered them rather prepared, 13.5% viewed them as rather unprepared, and 45.4% felt they were completely unprepared.

In Yerevan, only 5.3% of respondents thought the authorities were fully prepared for heavy snowfall, while about 80% believed they were not adequately prepared for such conditions.

Notably, the survey was conducted through phone interviews with 1,100 respondents from February 27 to March 6.

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