Giorgi Vashadze

Georgia's Finance Minister Touts Economic Resilience and Growth; Opposition Questions

Major Georgian Parties Unite for Pro-European 'Platform for Victory': A Pre-Election Twist

Controversy After Elections in United National Movement

Droa, Strategy Aghmashenebeli, and Girchi Start National Liberation Movement

Strategy Aghmashenebeli leader on Deoligarchization Bill

Recent Political Developments Regarding Georgia

Delegation from EU-Georgia Parliamentary Association Committee Visits Georgia

Media bid farewell to the deceased Lashkarava; fistfight erupts in the parliament

Second far-right protest in Georgia sees over 100 detentions

EU-mediated negotiations in Georgia fail

Political situation in Georgia: EU parliamentarians raise “privacy breach” concerns; opposition called to join fact-finding commission

Political situation in Georgia: parliament rejects to terminate opposition mandates

Political situation in Georgia: opposition forces in open confrontation over the negotiations

Georgian 2020 elections: latest developments

Georgian elections 2020: new developments

Georgian parliament passes bill on proportional elections in first reading