Ramzan Kadyrov

Chechen Minister of Information: “Oil industry will not allow republic to refuse federal subsidies”

Recent statements from Kadyrov on Ukraine

Recent developments in North Caucasus

Deputy from Chechnya urged to limit access to the media

Russian lawmaker from Chechnya vows to kill family members of human rights lawyer

Kadyrov commented on financing of Chechnya from federal budget

Unified State authorities hid information about Putin’s and Kadyrov’s daughters’ monetary holdings

Kadyrov urged Ingush people not to bring to turmoil, as in Kazakhstan

Chechen Press Minister call critics of Kadyrov's regime "party of shaitans"

EU extended sanctions against two Chechen security officials

EU intelligence links assassination attempts on Chechen bloggers to Putin

Speaker of Ingushetia Parliament reacted to border conflict with Chechnya

Kadyrov's words about women and the actions of the Chechen authorities

Kadyrov demanded all criminals’ nationality to be mentioned in the press

Parliament of Chechnya proposed to ban mentioning the nationality of criminals in the media

Kadyrov cordoned off Chechnya's borders amid controversy over Fortanga channel