World Bank

Azerbaijan and Georgia in World Bank Enterprise Survey 2019

World Bank study on public perception of Covid-19 situation in Armenia

Azerbaijani Parliament raises the country’s water supply issue

South Caucasus countries in the World Bank economic prospects for 2020-2021

South Caucasus countries in the World Bank economic update for Europe and Central Asia

EU and World Bank provide assistance to Armenia in combating Covid-19

Azerbaijani economy minister reveals key economic areas to protect from the effect of the coronavirus

World Bank gives Armenia $20 million loan in local community development

World Bank gives $100 million to Azerbaijan to support employment

World Bank gives $102 million to Georgia for education reforms

Armenia adopts a set of measures to improve the business environment

World Bank to extend judicial service project in Azerbaijan

World Bank grants 50 million US Dollar loan to Armenia for governance reforms

South Caucasus countries in the World Bank doing business report 2020

Molineus on how to ensure sustainable poverty reduction in the South Caucasus

World Bank Disease Prevention and Control Programme in Armenia prolonged