Aleksandar Vučić: "Serbia will Purchase Power from Azerbaijan on Advantageous Terms"

Following a phone conversation between Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev on August 21, Vučić’s Office said that Serbia would be able to purchase power from Azerbaijan on advantageous terms.
When Vučić urged Aliyev to assist in securing sufficient electrical supplies for Serbia, the Azerbaijani head of state agreed and informed him that an interstate agreement had been approved under which Serbia would purchase electricity from Azerbaijan on advantageous conditions. According to the statement, specific suggestions for further collaboration and topics of common interest were discussed during the discussion that the Serbian President started on the 25th anniversary of establishing diplomatic ties between Serbia and Azerbaijan.
Vučić emphasized that Belgrade wishes to keep forging friendship and mutual understanding-based ties with Baku. According to the statement, in order to provide an impetus to collaboration, notably in such fields as energy and agriculture, he invited his Azerbaijani colleague to visit Serbia as soon as possible. Vučić expressed his gratitude to Azerbaijan for supporting Serbia's territorial integrity and sovereignty while highlighting Belgrade's steadfast commitment to upholding international law and the inviolability of all UN members' boundaries.
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