DRI releases study on far-right groups in Georgia

On 22 June, the Democracy Research Institute (DRI) published their study on the far-right scene in Georgia, summarizing the results of 11-month long monitoring of far-right groups’ discourse on social platforms and online media. During the monitoring process, DRI media researchers studied and analysed 20 235 posts on 12 far-right group leaders’ and 15 far-right groups’ Facebook pages. They also examined 2 317 articles by 9 online media platforms’ webpages. The study was conducted with the financial support of the Embassy of the Netherlands within the framework of the project "Understanding and Combating Far-Right Extremism and Ultra-Nationalism in Georgia”.
The following Georgian web pages were selected as the objects of the survey: 1) tvm.ge, 2) Georgia and world, 3) Politicano, 4) Alt-Info, 5) kavkazplus.ge, 6) Saqinform, 7) Zneoba, 8) News Front Georgia and 9) Sputnik Saqarvelo. As for the groups in the country, the survey covered the following: 1) Alt-Club, 2) Kardhu, 3) Antiliberal League, 4) Georgian Page, 5) Georgian Idea, 6) Anti-Paradox, 7) Rezoni, 8) silent Georgia, 9) Liberalizmi? Shen Mispe, 10) Society for the protection of children’s rights, 11) World Family Congress, 12) Turkey is an occupier, 13) Georgian March, 14) Geo-Pepe and 15) Zneoba.
The narrative of far-right leaders and groups was divided into 5 categories according to the main characteristics: xenophobic, homophobic, anti-liberal, anti-western, and nationalistic. Analysis of interactions with the posts revealed that nationalistic and anti-liberal discourse were especially popular amongst the far-right groups in the country. Media monitoring revealed that far-right rhetoric of online platforms comes in two main forms: openly pro-Russian and aggressively anti-liberal. In addition, local and international non-governmental organizations are actively demonized, and the Hungarian-American Investor George Soros was presented as the main instigator of depravity. The study also said that the most popular targets for far-right aggression were feminists, immigrants, LGBT+ community, Muslims, and liberals.
According to the study, social platforms are one of the main tools for far-right groups’ to attract followers and spreading their messages. Media monitoring revealed 3 main characteristics of Georgian far-right rhetoric: 1) arousing anti-western sentiments among the Georgian population and, thus, discrediting western institutions; 2) supporting Kremlin politics and spreading pro-Russian messages; 3) spreading irrational fears and hatred throughout society using false information and manipulation.
The DRI is a Georgian public policy think-tank that aims at promoting and protecting of human rights and fundamental freedoms, establishing a transparent and accountable governance system based on the rule of law and human rights, supporting the establishment of free and fair elections and the development of democratic institutions and supporting the EU integration policy in the country. It was founded in 2018 by Ucha Nanuashvili, the former Public Defender of Georgia (2012-2017) and his team.
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