Regions of the South of Russia have only used half of the national projects budget

Of the 1.4 billion euros allocated for the implementation of national projects in the regions of the Southern Federal District, only 736 million, or about half, were spent in nine months. The worst of all the implementation of national projects is in the Astrakhan and Rostov regions, where the use of budget funds amounted to 41% and 45%, respectively. This was announced on November 24 by the plenipotentiary of the President of Russia in the Southern Federal District Vladimir Ustinov.
Better use of budget funds is in Adygea (64%) and the Volgograd region (62%), but even there the entire amount of allocated money may remain untapped, and the planned social infrastructure will not be built on time.
In almost every southern region, the plenipotentiary pointed out significant shortcomings in various national projects. For example, the schools under construction with federal funds in the village of Trusovo of the Astrakhan Region are ready only by 11-14%, and in general the region has mastered only 15% of the 1.1 billion rubles allocated within the framework of the Education national project.
In 2021, the southern regions received a federal subsidy to provide free medicines to patients at high risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, but only the Krasnodar Territory has used almost all of the fund. In the Rostov region, the subsidy was used by 0.7%, Adygea - by 6%.
Several cities in the Krasnodar Territory, Kalmykia, Rostov Region, as well as Volgograd did not apply at all for the elimination of landfills within the framework of the ecology national project.
In 2021, in the Southern Federal District, the number of detected and registered crimes related to national projects almost doubled.
"It is also necessary to note corruption and fraud in the distribution of municipal and state orders, formal or generally fictitious execution of events," said envoy Ustinov.
Kuban, Stavropol Territory and Dagestan became the leaders in the south of Russia in terms of the number of bribes, according to data from the Prosecutor General's Office on the crime rate for January-March 2021. Moreover, in only the Krasnodar Territory since the beginning of the year, 121 cases of corruption have been registered. According to this indicator, the region took first place in the country, overtaking even Moscow and St. Petersburg - they counted 107 and 75 such crimes, respectively.
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