Residents of Ingushetia called the electoral campaign sluggish

There are no active pre-election debates in Ingushetia, and all campaigning has been reduced to roadside billboards, residents of the republic reported. All unwanted candidates were removed from the pre-election race.
On August 18, it became known that the election commission of Ingushetia found a formal reason to cancel the registration of a candidate from the Yabloko party (major opposition side), the head of the Constitutional Court of Ingushetia Ayup Gagiev for the role of State Duma deputy. In response, he withdrew his candidacy.
On September 17, 18 and 19 in Ingushetia Federal Republic, voting will take place for the election of deputies of the State Duma of the eighth convocation and the elections of deputies to the People's Assembly of the republic of the seventh convocation, the Election Commission of Ingushetia said on July 27. At the elections for the State Duma deputies in Ingushetia, one single-mandate constituency No. 13 was formed, in which only one deputy is elected. The deputies of the People's Assembly are elected under a proportional system, with 32 seats in parliament. To participate in the elections to the State Duma and the local parliament in the federal district, 14 political parties are registered. In the Ingush single-mandate constituency number 13, five candidates are participating in the elections, all of them are nominated by political parties. Four regional branches of parties participate in the elections of deputies to the People's Assembly. The party "United Russia" has 59 candidates running for seats in parliament, from the Communist Party - 36, from "Fair Russia-Patriots-For Truth" - 33, from the Liberal Democratic Party - 37 candidates, according to a message dated August 14 on the website of the Republic's Election Commission.
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