United States reiterates its support for Georgia and Ukraine's membership in NATO

The United States continues to support the decision reached at the 2008 Bucharest Summit Declaration that Georgia and Ukraine will become members of NATO, according to a fact sheet distributed ahead of the NATO Foreign Ministerial in Riga.
The statement reads "both Georgia and Ukraine are already members of the Enhanced Possibilities Partnership (EOP), which raises their interoperability and training opportunities alongside NATO Allies," and that "their Annual National Programs (ANP) define their road to membership."
"NATO leaders remain dedicated to NATO's Open Door Policy," according to the statement, "which provides a path to membership for any European nation that shares our values and satisfies the requisite duties and obligations." "We confirmed our unanimity on this at the NATO Summit in June."
"It is vital NATO continue to safeguard the credibility of Article 10 of the North Atlantic Treaty," according to the US State Department, which empowers the Parties to invite any other European nation to join the Treaty by unanimous agreement.
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