James Stavridis: if Georgia’s occupied territories are viewed as frozen conflicts, the chances of joining the alliance would be more realistic

The New US Foreign Policy Consensus and the Role of the South Caucasus

Hostilities between Georgia and Russia emerge after US declares intention to leave Open Skies Treaty

US State Department: Armenia and Azerbaijan in violation of European Armed Forces Treaty

Former British military official states that Georgia’s NATO integration is well underway

NATO decides to deepen partnerships with Georgia and Ukraine

Nagorno-Karabakh: elections despite pandemic and international criticism

Turkey to Seek Larger Role in the Black Sea and the South Caucasus

Armenia to participate at NATO military drills in Georgia

NATO PA expresses concern over political situation in Georgia

South Caucasus’ Role will be overshadowed by the US-Russia Competition Elsewhere in Eurasia

Georgia and USA sign new security cooperation agreement

Georgia Fears US’s Shift in Attention

Gakharia visits Netherlands

With the New PM, Tbilisi’s Relations with Moscow Will Remain Tense

Geopolitische Perspektiven für die Ausweitung der eurasischen Integration?