Russia shows easing of tensions with Georgia

NATO Parliamentary Assembly President visits Georgia

Russian official approves of potential partner status of Azerbaijan in the CSTO; Armenia responds

Rasmussen on Georgia’s potential NATO membership; International conference interrupted pro-Russian politician

NATO experts assist Armenian military in improving education

Georgia to host Agile Spirit 2019 military exercises

IRI Public Opinion Poll in Georgia: UNM closes popularity gap with Georgian Dream

Meeting between NATO and Russia commanders in Baku

Bakhtadze: Georgia is ready to play a larger role in the Black Sea’s security

CSTO conference in Bishkek

NDI public opinion results on Georgia

US Ship tracked by Russian fleet in the Black Sea

Rasmussen on the future NATO-membership of Ukraine and Georgia

NATO, Georgia and the security of the Black Sea region

Georgian Government adopts foreign policy strategy for 2019-2022

Joint NATO-Georgia Military Exercises